
Fighting for Justice: The Role of a Discrimination Lawyer

Discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that unfortunately still exists in today's society. Whether it's based on race, gender, age, or disability, no one should have to endure discrimination in their place of work. This is where discrimination lawyers come into play. These legal professionals specialize in representing individuals who have been discriminated against and fighting for justice on their behalf. In this blog post, we will explore the important role that discrimination lawyers play in combating discrimination and advocating for equality in the workplace.

Key Factors to Consider in an FMLA Law Case

Dealing with issues related to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be complex and challenging for both employers and employees. Understanding the key factors to consider in an FMLA law case is crucial to navigating the legal landscape effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss the essential elements that should be taken into account when dealing with an FMLA law case. Eligibility and Notice Requirements Determining eligibility is the first step in handling an FMLA law case.

Top 5 Legal Mistakes Startups Make And How A Business Attorney Can Help

If you're like most people who are about to embark on their life's dream of starting their own business, you're probably feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety — after all, the journey of entrepreneurship is both thrilling and challenging. One of the challenges fledgling entrepreneurs face is a myriad of potential legal pitfalls. Fortunately, you can hedge your bets against them by using the services of an experienced business startup lawyer.

What To Do If Customs Impounds A Shipment

No one wants to find out that customs impounded one of their shipments. If a shipment is impounded, though, you need to be acutely aware of the process for dealing with the situation. A customs attorney will usually tell you to take these five steps. Document, Save, and Copy Find each piece of paperwork or electronic communication related to the shipment. Make copies of everything. Back anything you can up to the cloud.

3 Times To Talk To An FMLA Lawyer

Employers have to allow qualifying employees to take leave for medical or caretaking reasons under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). However, employers sometimes fail to meet their obligations when you apply for leave that you are entitled to take. If you are having difficulties with your employer, then you might need to consult an FMLA lawyer. When might you need to do this? Your Employer Won't Approve Your Leave

Issues That Might Make Your Workers' Compensation Claim Hard To Settle And How A Lawyer Might Help

Even a small workplace injury can become a complicated problem that might keep you away from work for months or years. This is why it's important to take the necessary legal measures immediately after you've had an accident at work. If you and your employer take the necessary measures, the process will follow a straightforward path, enabling you to get your compensation as soon as possible. Unfortunately, some complications may arise, leading to a denial of your claim or a reduction of the payment you're rightfully entitled to.

Why Contacting An Employment Attorney Is A Good Idea For Your Workplace Dispute

Disputes and disagreements can happen in the workplace but some disputes are a bigger deal than others. If you feel you are getting a bad deal or not being treated the same as other employees, it's possible there could be a legal claim to pursue. But moving forward with a claim against your employer without legal representation is not a good idea. Here's why you should contact an employment attorney for a consultation about your situation before you take any other actions.

How to Tell if You Have a Construction Surety or Insurance Case?

One of the biggest sources of confusion on construction projects is figuring out whether you're dealing with a claim that's covered by insurance or a surety. The two concepts may sound closely related, but a construction surety attorney will tell you they can be quite different. If you're not clear on which one you're dealing with, a construction surety lawyer will want to look at these three things. Physical Harm to People

The Advantages Of A Workers' Compensation Claim Over A Personal Injury Claim

In most cases when you suffer an injury, you will need to file a personal injury claim. However, if you are injured on the job, you may be required instead to file a workers' compensation claim. While workers' compensation claims have some disadvantages, such as a shorter statute of limitations, there are upsides and downsides to having to file a workers' compensation claim. Workers' Compensation Claims Are Less Personal When you are filing a personal injury claim, you will be suing your boss.

5 Customs Mistakes Many People Make

Transferring goods across international borders has always presented a host of legal challenges. It's impossible to perfectly streamline the process, but there are some simple mistakes you can try to avoid. Getting Legal Advice From Non-Lawyers A lawyer costs money, but there's a reason for that. If you're working with a broker or a freight forwarder, you should leave them to simply do their job. Asking them for legal advice is a good way to have a bad time.

Subtle Signs Of Sexual Harassment At Work

When you're at work, you expect everyone to treat you professionally without sexual harassment. However, sexual harassment is not always obvious. Nevertheless, sexual harassment, even when it's subtle, can have a great impact on your mental health and your career. Sexual harassment, or any type of gender bias, is illegal even if it seems small. If the behavior is unwanted, then you have the right to speak up. Here are some examples of subtle behavior and statements that you may wish to talk to a sexual harassment attorney about.